A Chat with both Seth MacFarlane and Seth Green, Family Guy TV series reaches 100 episodes
A Chat with Both Seths (MacFarlane and Green)

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“Family Guy,” Fox’s long-running hit animated series, rounded the 100 episode corner – a feat and a miracle for most television series. To celebrate the event, Hollywood rolled out the red carpet to welcome some of the names that have made “Family Guy” a staple of endurance and comedy over the years. Among the great voices of the show in attendance were creator Seth MacFarlane who voices (among plenty of others) Stewie, Peter and Brian, as well as Seth Green (Chris Griffin), and Mike Henry (Cleveland Brown).

Seth MacFarlane, holding a glass of whiskey with ice crackling, walks down the red carpet all smiles.

Reporter: Music plays a big part of the show – what’s your favorite karaoke place to go to around here, and what’s your favorite song to sing to?

SETH MacFARLANE: There’s the Brass Monkey on Wilshire and Mariposa, and there’s Sardo’s over on Pass Avenue right near Warner Bros. And for song – “Ready to Take a Chance Again.”

Reporter: What’ll be on the “Blue Harvest” (“Family Guy” retelling of “Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope”) DVD?

SM: There’s a making of, an interview with George Lucas, a lot of good stuff.

Reporter: Who gives you the rights to this?

SM: George Lucas.

Reporter: How was he?

SM: He was absolutely the best I ever had.

Reporter: Will you do an “Empire Strikes Back?”

SM: We’re working on it now.

Reporter: “Return of the Jedi?”

SM: Yes! We hope.

Seth MacFarlane continues on answering reporters and greeting friends. Seth Green is next down the red carpet.

Reporter: Do you compete with the other Seth?

SETH GREEN: Me and MacFarlane? Nah, peas in a pod.

Reporter: Will you give us an update on what’s happening with “Robot Chicken” (Seth Green’s own animated show)?

SG: We are finishing the third season, working since January (2007) so it’s been a long and arduous process – I think we’ve taken a lot of risks, storytelling experimentation, so people are going to love it or hate it.

Reporter: Can you believe “Family Guy” got to 100?!

SG: Absolutely! It’s awesome.

Reporter: What else are you working on?

SG: Writing a bunch of stuff. And I just did an episode of “Gray’s Anatomy,” and I filmed a movie with John Travolta called “Old Dogs.”

Reporter: What are the chances to see a “Family Guy” feature film?

SG: Hard to say – look, it took “The Simpsons” 20 years to get a movie in theatres – but I wouldn’t put it past him.

Reporter: “Old Dogs” – can you talk about it?

SG: I play John Travolta and Robin Williams’ business associate who is trying to open an office for them in Japan. All my scenes were with John and Robin.

Reporter: Are you thinking of bringing “Robot Chicken” to Comic Con?

SG: I was really disappointed with Comic Con this year – I was really frustrated with how much it has become a Sundance as opposed to a safe haven for people to talk to each other, etc.

Reporter: With upcoming episodes of “Family Guy,” is there crazy stuff Chris does?

"There’s a making of, an interview with George Lucas, a lot of good stuff."

SG: What’s funny – this may sound lazy, but there’s a point to it – but I don’t read the scripts, because I love the show and love to watch it as a fan. So because of the way it’s recorded, I’ll go into the booth by myself and Seth will direct me and I’ll specifically do line by line. So I have no idea what’s going on with the show. At all.

Seth joins the other Seth for the party inside as Mike Henry, voice of Cleveland Brown, joins us.

Reporter: I understand you just did the table read for “Empire Strikes Back.” What voices are you doing?

MIKE HENRY: Let’s see – I did Cleveland as “R2-D2,” and Herbert comes back as “Obi Wan,” and Mavin Johnson from “The Jerk,” and there’s a new character who’s Darth Vader’s maid.

Reporter: Is there an episode coming up that you’re really looking forward to?

MH: We have an episode where Peter finds out he’s Mexican. It’s funny.

Mike Henry continues on as the party celebrating the 100th episode of Family Guy continued into the night.

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