Possession review, Possession preview, photos, trailer, images

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Possession (2008) Starring: Sarah Michelle Gellar, Lee Pace, Michael Landes, Chelah Horsdal, William B. Davis
Director: Joel Bergvall, Simon Sandquist
Rating: PG-13
Category: Drama / Romance / Thriller
Studio: Yari Film Group

Opens February 22

The Pitch: Gellar plays a woman whose life is turned upside down when her husband (Landes) and brother-in-law (Pace) are involved in a car accident that leaves them both in comas. When her brother-in-law comes out of his coma insisting he's her husband, Gellar is forced to consider the possibility that the brothers have pulled a spiritual switcheroo.

The Buzz: Boy, Freddie Prinze's wife sure does have a thing for low-budget screamers, doesn't she?

Trailer Highlight: Gotta be the hokey shot of Landes and Pace's blood mingling in the street after the car crash.

Bottom Line: Depending on how much you pay for the ticket, it could be a mildly entertaining way to spend an afternoon. But at full price? No way.

Official Site: N/A

Watch the Trailer: MySpace Player

~Jeff Giles

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