Sarah Lancaster

Sarah Lancaster in Chuck

Sarah Lancaster in “Chuck”

There are some celebrities who are completely comfortable in the world of television. Sarah Lancaster is one of them. While a product of Kansas, Sarah’s family moved to southern California in her early years. It is here where she began her pursuit of acting. Following graduation from high school, she moved to Los Angeles – already getting steady pay and work as a fulltime actress.

Her TV career began when she was 13 on “Saved by the Bell: The New Class.” Over the next five years, Sarah would appear on just about every hit show on television at the time before landing a regular gig on the WB series “Everwood.” The exposure and experience brought Sarah new recognition in TV, and was soon seen on “Scrubs” and a regular on ABC’s “What About Brian.” She is now utilizing her talents on NBC’s “Chuck.” It is clear now how treasured producers find Sarah’s talents as a supporting cast member. As she heads into her 30s, we suspect she’ll soon have a show of her own. Few have paid their dues as much as Sarah has.

Sarah Lancaster on the Screen

It all started for Sarah opposite Mr. Belding and Screech on “Saved by the Bell: The New Class,” followed by guest appearances on a long line of shows such as “Sabrina the Teenage Witch,” Undressed,” “Dawson’s Creek,” “Boston Public,” “Six Feet Under,” and “CSI.” She plays Leslie Landon in the TV movie “Michael Landon, the Father I Knew,” a small part in Spielberg’s “Catch Me If You Can,” and was a regular on “Everwood” and “What About Brian.”

Sarah Says

On love triangles:
“I have not yet had a boyfriend’s best friend be in love with me.