Christina Hendricks

Christina Hendricks in “Mad Men”

Christina Hendricks in “Mad Men”

Born in Tennessee in 1975 and raised in Idaho before moving to Virginia for high school, Christina got her start in acting in a community production of “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.” Soon enough, she found minor roles on television, such as “E.R.” and “Las Vegas”, and modeled, appearing in a Visa commercial with Pierce Brosnan.

Christina is best known, of course, as Joan Halloway on AMC’s “Mad Men.” While it wasn’t exactly her big break, it certainly catapulted her to a recognition she had not yet achieved. As part of the ensemble for “Mad Men,” the cast snagged the 2009 Screen Actors Guild award for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series. In 2009, Christina also won the Best Actress award at the Monte Carlo TV Festival for her role as Joan. That same year, Christina appeared in the Showtime film “La Cucina” and also married Geoffrey Arend, a Manhattan-based actor three years Christina’s junior.

Iconic Character – Joan Holloway on “Mad Men”

For many fans, Christina’s role as Joan on “Mad men” will always be a favorite. We highlighted this character in our “TV Girlfriends” feature in the “Coworkers With benefits” catagory. Here’s what we said about the character:

“Being the head secretary of a clubby advertising firm in early sixties Manhattan is not a job for sissies or simpletons, and the ultra-feminine, yet hard as nails, yet also deeply vulnerable Miss Holloway is neither. Utterly willing to employ her red-haired beauty and Marilyn Monroe/Jessica Rabbit physique to her own advantage, she’s supremely competent and ready to crack the whip on any female Sterling Cooper employee who’s slacking off, getting uppity, or failing to watch her figure. She can be downright vindictive with women who arouse her jealousy, but she can also be a loyal friend, and there’s real sweetness in her. Things are, sadly, even more complicated when it comes to the men in her life. Claiming to want nothing more than the traditional role of wife and mother, she broke off a relationship with smug, pipe-smoking copywriter Paul Kinsey when he broadcast his conquest office-wide; a doomed affair with her married, alcoholic boss, gray-haired Roger Sterling, ended after one heart attack too many; and she’s now got far more serious and terrifying problems with her too-perfect, seriously disturbed, young doctor fiancé. Combine this with the dawning realization that, just maybe, she’d actually like to do more with her life than merely pleasing demanding men, and you have someone in great need of our help. Would we be up to the job of liberating and wooing this caged tigress? It would take a lot more than a time machine and good intentions, but it would sure be worth trying.”

Mad Men: Joan Holloway, A Subversive Venus
More of Joan as a sexy badass in the show.

Features and Resources

Christina Hendricks in London Fog Campaign
This voluptuous beauty has been gracing all the magazine covers as she’s gained considerable notoriety with her role as Joan on “Mad Men.” Here we have a cool slideshow of some of the photos from her recent London Fog campaign.

Celebrity Teaser – Christina Hendricks
News and photos from this celebrity blog.

Christina on the Screen

Christina has found great success on TV, most notably with “Mad Men.” She guest starred on four episodes of “Life,” was Nicolette Raye for 22 episodes on “Kevin Hill” in 2005, and portrayed Kelly Kramer on 19 episodes of “Beggars and Choosers.” Her first role was as Fawn in the TV movie “Sorority” in 1999.

Christina Quotes

On the writing of “Mad Men”:
“I’ve never been on a show before where I’m like, ‘When’s the next script? When’s the next script?’ because they’re so great to read.”

Christina Hendricks in “Mad Men”

These photos highlight how amazing she leaked in this series:

Christina Hendricks in Mad Men

Christina Hendricks in Mad Men

Christina Hendricks in Mad Men

Christina Hendricks in Mad Men

Christina Hendricks in Mad Men

Christina Hendricks in Mad Men