Jenna Fischer

Jenna Fischer in "Blades of Glory"

Jenna Fischer in “Blades of Glory”

When we think of Jenna Fischer, how many of us think of her role as unglamorous wallflower Pam Beesly in NBC’s hit comedy “The Office”? But switch over to the recent Will Ferrell flick, “Blades of Glory”, and check out Jenna as a sweet and sexy love interest, particularly in the highlight seduction scene, low-cut negligee included. Jenna has shown she has the versatility to land any kind of role and always manages to leave us wanting more of her. Plus, she’s got the distinguished trait of being hot AND having a great sense of humor – pretty much what every guy wants in a girlfriend. Ah, to go home to that every night.

And that’s where husband James Gunn (writer of the “Scooby Doo” movies) comes in. James married the Indiana gal in 2000 while Jenna was still landing bit parts on TV. Jenna fell under the radar of producers when she directed, wrote, and starred in the 2004 mockumentary “LolliLove.” The attention led her to the role of Pam Beesly on “The Office,” and since the show took off in 2005, there’s been no stopping her. Despite a nasty slip that fractured her back in four parts in May 2007, a full recovery is expected, with the fourth season of “The Office” returning in the fall, and plenty of projects featuring this cute comedian on the horizon.

Iconic Character – Pam Beesly on “The Office”

For many fans, Jenna’s role as Pam on “The Office” will always be a favorite. We highlighted this character in our “TV Girlfriends” feature in the “Coworkers With Benefits” catagory. Here’s what we said about the character:

“Can you think of anything more enjoyable than playing pranks on Dwight Schrute? Neither can Pam, and that’s what makes her so great. Whether she’s helping Jim load up the vending machine with all of Dwight’s belongings, trying to convince him that he could move objects with his mind, or masterminding an elaborate ruse that ends with Dwight on the roof waiting for a CIA helicopter to arrive, there is no doubt that Pam is one treacherous woman. We’re not sure why a pretty girl with a sick, twisted sense of humor seems so sexy, but that’s what she is. And, yet, she somehow balances that dark humor with an endearing sweetness. She’s friendly and helpful, though she’s not afraid to stand up for herself when the time is right. Moreover, she’s loyal – well, at least to Jim – and she has a soft spot for hopeless cases (i.e. Michael Scott). She’s also an artist, and a talented one at that, so it’s nice to know that she has bigger plans than working at Dunder-Mifflin for the rest of her life. Let’s just hope that she doesn’t leave anytime soon; the office just wouldn’t be the same without her.”

Best of Pam
Scenes from “The Office”

Jenna Fischer on the Screen

With three seasons of “The Office” under her belt, Jenna took time to play the love interest to Jon Heder in “Blades of Glory.” Television has been her mainstay for years (despite a failed audition for Jennifer Garner’s role in “Alias”), including appearances on “Spin City,” “Cold Case,” “That 70s Show,” and “Six Feet Under.” She also appears uncredited in “The 40-Year-Old Virgin.”

Jenna Says

On auditioning for “Alias”:
“They said they liked my acting, but I wasn’t hot enough.”

On directing her own film:
“I was simultaneously getting into character, going over my lines, set dressing the next shot, coaching an actor, and brainstorming with my D.P. I’m good at multitasking, but that was too much for me. I think I’ll stick to acting.”

On her spill:
“My legs flipped out from underneath me, and while I was in the air, I had the thought,
‘This isn’t going to end well.’”