A Guide to Jewellery Styling for Men


bracelets for men

The fashion industry has saturated the internet with a plethora of beautiful and expensive jewellery. Websites, blogs, magazines and designers have all done a good job in promoting good looks and a healthy image in men. Even though a lot of men have a solid idea of what good jewellery looks like, the reality is that the majority of men don’t have a clue on when and how to apply jewellery in a way that best suits their face and frame.

As with makeup, jewellery styling can be an intimidating topic that only the most experienced men dare tackle. It’s not just about how to style it, although that’s certainly important. When you’re styling an expensive piece of jewellery, you’re also dealing with the question of its upkeep, and how to avoid having it damaged or losing it. That’s where we come in. This post will not only show you how to style jewellery, but how to look after it, so you can confidently wear it with confidence.


Keep things simple when in doubt. Start with a traditional silver watch with a leather strap; if you wear watches frequently and can afford it, try a sportier dive watch with a stainless steel band. Then go on to cufflinks and tie accessories.

Once you’ve become used to wearing these standard items, you can begin to add different jewellery, such as necklaces, if you so choose.


1. In terms of the colour wheel, gold is a warmer colour that reads like a yellow accent. Browns and other earth tones, as well as rich colours like royal blue or hunter green, blend nicely with it. If you’re buying numerous pieces of gold jewellery, keep an eye out for different tones–gold comes in a wide range of darkness/lightness, and if the difference is too great, you could wind up with pieces that don’t match.

2. Metals with silver tones, such as polished stainless steel or chrome, are neutral. They read as greys, as they fall on the black-to-white gradient rather than the colour wheel. That means they don’t clash as much as well-worn gold, but they also don’t give the same eye-catching contrasts. For a sleek, classic appearance, pair silver jewellery with black or dark grey clothes, or wear it with brighter colours in the summer without worry of it overpowering your clothing’s delicate hues.

3. Copper and bronze are orange-colored metals that should be handled accordingly. They’re more daring than gold or silver and should be worn with caution. Copper-tone jewellery may be seen in more casual ensembles, and an ancestral copper ring or shirt buttons/rivets can dress up a basic pant and shirt.

4. Precious stones should be used sparingly. They’re like purses: no matter how egalitarian you try to be, most people still think of them as feminine. The maximum is a single coloured stone on a ring or a single coloured ear stud. Anything more is either annoying or garish.

5. Turquoise is an exception for any male who dresses in a consciously Western way. It’s become somewhat of a gentleman’s stone in the Southwest. With pants and a collared shirt, a little on a ring, bolo tie, or belt buckle looks terrific. Just keep in mind that it’s a brilliant hue that attracts attention, so use it sparingly and only when you want to bring attention to the stone.

6. For everyone who isn’t in high school or a rebel, leather is a delicate subject. If you’re going to wear it, aim for natural earth tones rather than black, and avoid flashy metal studs.

7. Men’s jewellery is increasingly using wood and bone, typically as a nod to diverse ethnic customs. They’re typically on the milder side of the earth tones–take them on a case-by-case basis, and make sure you’re not wearing the jewellery next to anything that’s close but not an exact match. If you’re going to wear something odd like that, it needs to stick out a little.

In summary, with these tips in mind, you’ll be able to pull off different styles of jewellery, whether it is a timeless look or a more fashionable one. You can also be more confident about how to wear jewellery, because you now know that it’s more than just a necklace. Now you can rock men’s bracelets, chrome diopside rings, pocket squares, cufflinks, tie clips, earrings, and even watches!

If you feel like experimenting with different types of jewellery, we suggest investing in a good jewelry box to keep it all safe and organized.


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