Better Tech for Better Casino Results


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The age of technology is certainly upon us. And whether or not you’re a slave to it or its master is sometimes a very fine line. But there’s no doubting that when it comes playing at an online casino, the better the tech, the better your results. And we have the best tech in the business right here to improve your game and fatten your pocket.

We can’t guarantee you’ll always win, but we can certainly bend the odds in your favour with one
of the many casino bonuses Canada has to offer, and you can find them right here. In the meantime,
settle in for plenty more tips on the best hardware and gadgets out there, to guide you along the
winner’s path.

The Trusty Smartphone

It may seem like a given, but having the luxury of a good smartphone in your pocket is going to open up so many playing opportunities for you. And the more you practice, the better you’ll do!

All good casinos are now fully mobile friendly so you can take the table with you whenever you leave the house. Not only is it a great excuse to get out and see the world (whilst social distancing, of course) but it’s going to fill in all that downtime that you have throughout the day. Waiting in line at the supermarket? Riding the bus to work? Even if you’re just chilling down at the park, you now have access to the Internet wherever you go, and that means game time.

And don’t worry, casinos aren’t fussy when it comes to iOS or Android, they’ll both work just fine. Just ensure a stable connection and you’re on your way.

A Tablet

No, it’s not exactly new technology, but it’s still critical to your overall experience. Tablets have such perfectly sized screens for mobile gaming that you’ll save a fortune in optometrist bills alone.

Technology has seen the screens made with such clarity that it goes hand in hand with the crisp tones designers use on casino plans. And all your favorite apps can be transferred from your smartphone too. Do your eyes a favour and treat yourself to that bigger screen. You won’t regret it.

VR Headset

Stepping straight out of a sci-fi film, Virtual Reality has been there or there abouts for the last decade but it’s right on the cusp of booming! Designers are adamant that the finished product is 100% spot-on before mass production, which will dramatically drop the hefty, current price tag.

Nothing will make your poker game more realistic than actually sitting down at the table with your competitors or friends. And right now is the perfect time for it, as it’s all done from the safety of your home bubble.

It’s the next step in the evolutionary chain from a live dealer casino, and one that will enhance your online experience like nothing before. The latest VR tech is discussed in depth here from the team, if you’re looking for further information.

But What about the Future…

Although the times do feel just a little peculiar at the minute, there is plenty to look forward to on the horizon. A huge breakthrough is going to come with the addition of 5G which will increase internet speeds to near instant levels. This speed will allow for further security protocols to be readily available, such as face recognition. No more obsolete log-in details to be remembered.

Advancements are also rumoured in the smartwatch field as mobile tech is definitely a priority on every hardware designer’s calendar for 2021. They will become more and more independent from your phone, with functions eclipsing the current health and security apps of 2020.

It’s just a matter of finding that balance between nature and technology to ensure we remain the master and we continue to use it to further enhance our lives for the better. Not to enslave us to a mediocre life from the confines of our sofa.


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