Best Robot Mop Scrubbers for Hard Surface Floor


robot mops

Do you wish to have a clean floor every day without lifting a finger? With a robot mop, this is possible. All you have to do is turn it on, select the cleaning mode, and let it do its work.

The popularity of robot mop has sky-rocketed over the last few years. The increasing awareness of how it cuts down cleaning time, independence, and performance quality are just some of the many reasons many people buy it. Plus, some mops only cost less than $300!

Based on mopping robot reviews, the best robot mops can scrub hard floors independently, which will save a lot of your time. For better results, you can vacuum the floor first to remove solid debris and dirt before mopping. This method will help avoid scratching the surface as the robot scrubs the floor.

What to Look for in Robot Mop

A robot mop is grouped into wet mops, sweep and mop, and mop and vacuum combos. Wet mops use water to loosen up the dirt before the mop pad runs into it. This type has weak suction power, meaning you need to vacuum or sweep the floor first before running the machine. On the other hand, the two remaining types combine sweeping or vacuuming with mopping for better cleaning results.

After deciding what type of robot you need, you should also consider:

Battery life: If you have a big house, look for a robot mop that can run for 90 minutes in single charging. For a smaller space, 45-minute battery life is good enough. Smart robot mops that automatically recharge and resume cleaning after charging are also available.

Easy setup and maintenance: A user-friendly robot is such a good cleaning buddy. All you need is to press a maximum of 3 buttons, and you can leave it on its own. It’s also a big plus if it’s easy to clean and store after use.

Safety for floor surfaces: Some floors need a specific type of robot to prevent damaging their surface. If you have unsealed floors, a wet mop is not a good choice. Check the label first before buying to make sure you get the right mop for your floor.

Navigation and mapping system: Most smart robot mops have sophisticated sensors that can detect obstacles, carpets, and steep stairs. They also have mapping technology that allows them to scan the floor and create accurate cleaning paths to prevent going to the same spot repeatedly.

App Integration: Having an app on your mobile phone helps a lot in setting up a schedule, tracking the cleaning progress, and any other commands while you’re away from the robot. You can also program no-go zones to prevent the device from going to places that should not be cleaned.

Top 5 Robot Mops to Consider

Braava Jet M6 Robot Mop

iRobot Braava series of mopping robots is one of the most trusted names in home cleaning technology. This model is very efficient in cleaning different areas of your house. It comes with pads for dry sweeping and wet cleaning pads. It squirts warm water through its nozzle to loosen up dirt and grime on the hard floor.

To effectively clean the floor, let the robot run in dry-sweeping mode to pick up debris and pet hair. Braava is smart enough to know not to spray water when the dry pad is installed. Its superior mapping technology enables it to scan the room and process the data intelligently to create an accurate cleaning path. This robot also has an integrated app that allows you to choose which rooms to clean and skip, set cleaning schedules, and select cleaning mode.

Shinebot W400

Shinebot W400 from the ILIFE is a good hard-floor scrubber, providing the right pressure to lift deep-seated dirt and stains. It’s quite big, weighing more than 7 pounds, and has a height of 4.72 inches.
The robot offers four cleaning modes available through the control panel on the top part of the machine. The control panel uses voice alerts to inform you about the robot’s status. Suppose you want to know the status of the battery life and water levels. In that case, lights are visible on top, indicating their status. The device comes with a retractable handle, making it easier for you to guide the robot from one room to another.


DEEBOT with OZMO Mopping System is a hybrid robot that can vacuum and mop at the same time. This model is gaining popularity for its advanced, high-intuitive features, leaving your floor sparkling clean and making the whole cleaning process hands-free.

DEEBOT promises that it can remove as much as 99% bacteria from your floor. It has a large tank that is good enough to clean a room with more than 2,000 sq. feet in a single instance. The water reservoir can store 240 ml of water – 10X bigger than other brands.

Jetbot Robotic Cleans

Jetbot Robotic Cleans from Samsung has a double-pad to efficiently cover twice the ground of other robot mops in a single pass. This feature makes cleaning your floor faster than other brands. It also has two sets of microfiber pads for both dry and wet cleaning.

This robot mop is very easy to set up. Just fill the tank above each pad with tap water to keep the scrubbing pad wet as it spins. You can choose from eight cleaning modes to tackle different edges and focus on dirty spots.

RoboVac L70 Hybrid

This model is equipped with laser navigation technology to find the best route for cleaning your home. As a hybrid robot, L70 can suction up dirt and debris on hard floors as well as carpets. For added protection, you can program its no-go feature to prevent it from going to areas that don’t need to be cleaned.

RoboVac L70 Hybrid comes with an integrated app where you can set up schedules, cleaning modes, adjust suction power, and so much more.


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