CBD hemp gummies have become one of the more popular products in the marketplace. Besides providing the same benefits of other CBD offerings like tinctures and creams, gummies are fun and convenient.
The taste, texture, candy-like atmosphere, and relative discretion of simply popping a candy in your mouth—for many customers, nothing could be better. Celebrity endorsements and social media stories have boosted the entire industry, and most stories have revolved around gummies.
So if you’re looking to step into the wholesale CBD business and want to purchase bulk CBD gummies for sale, you’re in great company and coming into the business at a great time.
The science is also catching up to the buzz, as various studies have found evidence that CBD helps with:
– Stress – many customers keep gummies on hand and use them regularly to reduce anxiety
– Sleep – stress reduction usually produces better sleep. CBD may help even further by promoting a deeper (REM) sleep
– Inflammation – CBD is an antioxidant and has been found to have both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties
If you’re looking to create a CBD gummy business that provides all of these benefits, you must find a great supplier.
Here are seven tips to help guide your choice.
Look to Ingredients
The first ingredient is, of course, the CBD. Your wholesale provider must be using real and legal CBD in their gummies. You’d be surprised at the number of products out there that don’t! A recent study found several samples for sale that either didn’t qualify as hemp or had illegal amounts of THC in them.
Because there are no over-the-counter CBD products approved by the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration), there is room on the shelves for poor products. But the average CBD consumer is getting much smarter and much more discerning. So if you purchase bad gummies in bulk, you’ll likely find yourself with a lot of unusable products.
Gummies are also an interesting problem to solve. Unfortunately, a lot of what makes them so enjoyable—taste, ease, texture—can also invite companies to add a lot of ingredients that your customers don’t want.
(Just take a look at the nutritional information on the label of your favorite candy.)
The best CBD gummies honor their base ingredient, CBD, and go all-natural and organic. There are many ways to create a great-tasting product with natural fruit and vegetable juices, along with organic sugars.
Know Their Manufacturing Process & Result
The first step from plant to product is the extraction process.
There are several extraction methods and a few different types of CBD that you can get. Right now, the best-regarded method of extraction utilizes CO2. CO2 extraction uses carbon dioxide to extract the botanical oils that go into the CBD gummies.
You should also look for a company that processes only buds or flowers— and stays away from the “sausage-making” style of including all parts of the plant, including stems and leaves.
Finally, stay away from products that start with solvent extraction. Solvents can be any variety of materials, and they are often toxic. If any of the solvents are left at the end of the process, it can be harmful to your customer.
Testing, Testing, Testing
What’s the end of all this extraction science? Any wholesale gummy supplier will test their product! The best companies utilize third-party testing and look for a broad range of factors: microbial, heavy metals, pesticides, and solvents.
Don’t do business with a company that avoids testing. Any CBD manufacturer wants to know how well their product has turned out—it is part of their sales pitch.
Check the Certificates
And the proof of that: certificates of analysis, otherwise known as COAs. Your wholesale supplier should have all the necessary COAs on hand for you to review.
Speaking of certificates: the best companies in the business are registered with the FDA. In addition, companies that are at the forefront of the all-organic movement in CBD also have certifications from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Finally, look for a manufacturer that goes the extra mile. For example, some companies follow the FDA’s cGMP regulations. These Current Good Manufacturing practices ensure the quality and content of drug products throughout the nation. That means your wholesaler is playing by the same rule that large pharmaceutical companies follow, further guaranteeing quality.
Potency & Precision
Your customers will want a similar experience if they take one of your wholesale gummies—so first, know the dosage in each CBD product you choose. That pottery must also come with precision. Any great CBD manufacturer knows and can show the exact level of the compound in their products.
Consistency is key if you want your customers coming back!
Read User Reviews
In this day and age of the hot take and internet trolls, this may seem to be the least efficient and reliable way of judging a CBD gummie.
But the CBD community is actually quite discerning and always on the lookout for great products (and the bad!).
There’s also the ultimate bad review: the Food and Drug Administration. The Administration does regular testing of cannabidiol products and will send out warning letters if the products aren’t legit.
Those are in the public record, so do a search on your company before you buy.
Company Values and Product Value
Finally, there’s the price of the CBD gummies and the values of the company. Most of CBD’s proponents see it as a health choice; they want their company’s values to reflect that approach.
Transparent companies that work organically and in as much harmony with the environment as possible will always be popular choices.
From there, you know what your customers usually spend, so you can now let price guide your final choice. If your CBD gummies come from a wholesaler who has passed all of the tests above, your customers will happily pay for the quality.
So after you’ve done your research, see if the wholesale market is for you. CBD gummies are popular, and the market is growing every day. With the right wholesale partner, you could find a lot of success.