In the past, if you wanted to go back to school to continue your education and gain qualifications you would have needed to take time off of work or try your hand at night school. Either way, the options near you limited you.
That is no longer the case.
You can acquire a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) in Canada from a university that is located in the UK. There are no conflicting timetables due to the time difference. There is no visa requirement. You pay for the degree itself, and you continue to work alongside your studies.
Though all the tools are available to you, tackling that additional workload can be difficult for many.
With this guide, you’ll be able to properly prepare so that you can ease into your degree and succeed at both work and in school:
Find A Degree Specifically Designed to Work Alongside Your Career
When choosing your degree, you are going to want to only look at top universities that have a proven track record with offering online education, like Aston University. From there, you can look at their course options to see which one is right for you and even ask if it could be customized further.
Being critical in this way will ensure that your degree will be reputable and the education you will receive will improve your career.
Improve Your Schedule and Routines to Make Studying and Work Easier
Once you have chosen the right degree for your career, you’ll be ready to start making these lifestyle changes to make studying and working easier:
1. Incorporate Learning on Your Commute
If you aren’t driving, then take the time during your commute to work to read, write down notes or go over anything of importance.
2. How to Take Notes
There are many tips on helping you take notes, but a good idea is to take the time to rewrite them at the end of the week. This means going through summarizing your initial notes, remember sources, and above all else, include a summary so that you can better find information later on. This is a great way to cut down on notes and to transfer written points to a neater digital format.
3. Try to Do the Recommended Reading
There is usually recommended reading that will benefit your education, but not necessary to achieve your degree. Try to read all of it, because though you may not need it to finish your education, you can use that information for your career.
4. Use What You Learn to Benefit Your Career Now
There is no reason to wait until you have your diploma to start making use of what you learn. Just remember to ensure that credit for the changes or initiatives is yours and yours alone. This way, you can position yourself for a promotion before your degree is finished.