If you have been tasked with organizing someone’s bachelor party, you are being trusted with something huge. So you will need to think hard about it beforehand, and not just take a group of guys out to a bar to drink beer (unless, of course, that’s what the groom to be really, really wants). Here is our guide on planning the ultimate bachelor party.
The Guest List
The guest list for a bachelor party can cause all sorts of issues if not done right. Speak to the bachelor himself, and find out who he wants to come. If you notice anyone missing from that list that you think should attend, mention it – don’t just invite them anyway, there might be a reason why the groom doesn’t want them there. Keep a reserve list in case any of the original group can’t make it (but don’t let those on it know they’re a reserve!).
The Budget
If money were no object, you could fly off around the world and book into the most luxurious hotel possible to have a week – or two! – of fun and games. However, most of the time, money will be something that you need to consider. While a trip away for a bachelor party is becoming more and more popular, you will need to think of every member of the group who has been invited – if not everyone can manage to buy the plane tickets, it’s best to stick to a more local venue to keep things fair.
Think of the Groom to be
It’s easy to get carried away when you’re organizing something as potentially fun as a bachelor party, but you do need to think about the bachelor himself, and consider what he will enjoy. After all, this is his party. It wouldn’t be much fun for him if you took him to see a show at the theater if he doesn’t like musicals. It wouldn’t be great if you organized a bar crawl when he doesn’t drink. Think about what he would enjoy most, and work around that idea.
To really get into the feeling of a great bachelor party, it’s a fun idea to organize some custom items that you can use during the event, and keep as a memento afterwards. T-shirts, baseball caps, and personalized beer mugs are ideal, and they won’t break the bank either. Whatever item you choose, you can find personalized beer glasses and mugs and clothing online, and it’s easy to design them too. Hand them out to everyone once you reach your destination, and your party will be off to a great start.
Don’t Forget to Eat
Planning a bachelor party can often revolve around finding different places to drink, and fitting activities in around that. You shouldn’t, however, forget to factor in time to eat! Without eating, your groom and his friends will feel the effects of partying after a while, and they won’t enjoy the treat you’ve laid on for them. Make going out for food is part of the party, and find a great restaurant that has everything you need in your chosen location. Remember to contact the restaurant in advance to book a table if your group is a large one, or they may not be able to accommodate you.