In the fall of 2004, ABC premiered a new drama from the mind of J.J. Abrams about the survivors of a plane crash forced to live with one another on a remote island in the middle of the Pacific. With a cast comprised almost entirely of relative unknowns (save for “Party of Five” star Matthew Fox and veteran character actor Terry O’Quinn), and influences ranging from “Lord of the Flies” to “Survivor,” “Lost” quickly became a pop culture phenomenon of its own. The show had everything – drama, action, suspense, and even a little comedy – but what made it so unique was the underlying mystery of the island itself. Suffice it to say that we were hooked.
Fast forward six years (and we all know how much the writers like to jump back and forth in time), and “Lost” has continued to amaze us, not only with its one-of-a-kind storytelling, but in its ability to constantly reinvent itself as one of the best shows in TV history. Check out our interviews with executive producers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof, and cast member Nestor Carbonell, read through our reviews of the first five season DVDs, and don’t miss our feature on the staff’s favorite (and least favorite) characters, as well as our Lost Blog and more.
Features & Interviews
10 Losties We Love (and 5 We’d Vote Off the Island) (May 18, 2010)
With so many great personalities populating the “Lost” universe, it’s difficult to settle on a list of the absolute best. But we gave it a shot anyway.
Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof interview (April 15, 2009)
The producers of “Lost” graciously granted us an interview when the show hit the top spot in our TV Power Rankings. They explain: “One of the things that we really try to do very studiously is avoid confirming or debunking theories. That’s sort of the great social aspect of “Lost,” that you get to sort of sit around and say, ‘What’s this thing?’ You make your own interpretations.”
Nestor Carbonell interview (February 6, 2009)
We interviewed Nestor about an upcoming movie DVD release, but we also asked him about his Richard Alpert character on the show: “I honestly don’t know (Richard’s) fate, and I’m always surprised and pleased to get a script, and I’m happy to be there.”
Last Season Blog
We blogged eached episode of the last season of “Lost” on our site.