Whether they are intended for contemporary homes or traditional ones, awning windows are always available to get the jobs done. They have varied designs, configuration and styles that always let people to choose something of their choice. They do not only enhance overall curb appeal but also maintain ventilation even during rain. It’s just about ensuring that they are properly installed to avoid headaches and other problems.
So, when people decide to install awning windows, their next thought should be to ensure proper installation. Yes, their installation is a bit different from their counterparts. Here is what every individual should take into consideration while installing awning windows.
Tools Required
First of all, it’s necessary to know the tools or equipment that are needed to handle various parts or pieces:
● Spirit level
● Packers
● Drill having 3mm bit- necessary for pre-drilling of fixing holes
● Hammer
● Tape measure
● Fixing screws or nails
● Staples and staple gun
● Mini pinch bar
Checking Process
Once people have decided to install an awning window, they have to follow these steps with the surety of not ignoring any of them at any cost:
1. Start by measuring the width, depth and height of awning windows as well as the opening.
2. Be sure to leave 20mm margin in width and 30mm margin in height of the opening so that the unit doesn’t get stuck during square and plumb installation.
3. The depth of an awning window must match the cladding type where it will be installed. Don’[t hesitate to check it twice after the time of purchasing or ordering the products.
4. Next is to determine the flashing type required for the project. Since there are various standard flashings, people should go for an option that ensures water tight seal in the building.
5. Flashing must be pulled and fixed to the stud’s face with the help of a staple gun.
6. And last but not the least, check if there are any special installation guidelines on the packaging of the product. They could be related to:
o Specific finishing details
o Coupling to other items
o Specific head heights
7. Once checking is complete, begin the installation.
Installation Process
Now that awning windows and their openings are checked, it’s time to look at the installation process:
1. Put the spirit level on a smooth bottom plate and see where the product sits well.
2. In case packers are needed, then use brad nails to fix them into the place so that there is no chance for them to move.
3. Mark both jambs 100mm from the bottom and top.
4. Now take a 3mm drill bit and pre-drill holes on both marks.
5. Then put the awning window into the opening from outside.
6. During standard installations, apply plaster from inside with at least 10 mm thickness or use a packer of same volume followed by overhanging the revealed back into the home by 10mm.
7. Now take a nail and pass it through the pre-drilled hole on both sides of the awning window. Be sure not to nail them completely.
8. Now follow the same process to put nails at the top of the reveal.
9. Use the spirit level on the jamb to ensure that the window is both plumb and square.
10. To measure the product, use a tape measure and put it diagonally to check if measurements from both sides are equal or have any difference.
11. Now to put the awning window in place, use the pinch bar and do it smoothly.
12. Before winding and cleaning up the area, check twice or thrice if something is wrong.
13. Wind the sashes in and out to ensure that they come in contact when closed.
14. If one side comes back before the other one, then it’s obvious to have a slight twist in their vertical plane. Move the window’s corner in or out to adjust them.
15. For taller awning windows Canada, it’s always necessary to add extra fixings on the jamb. Make sure to follow the same process i.e. pre-drilling, packing and fixing to make sure that the reveals are plumbed.
Upon completing this process, there is no chance for the awning window to malfunction or cause any discomfort.