We’ve all dreamed, at one point or another, to lose a hefty number of pounds or to be able to run a marathon. And what about having a healthier lifestyle? A lot of you probably thought about that as well.
But alas, changing our routine doesn’t come easy to most of us, and plenty of people prefer to keep reading Australian online casino reviews instead of being more active. At least until you find a new source of motivation that will get you moving.
The desire to change the way you live will probably be affected by the spirit of the holidays, as you might be persuaded to make some ambitious New Year resolutions. So if you are ready to tackle a new challenge and become a bit healthier in 2020, we’re here to help you!
With a few simple yet important health-related resolutions, you might be able to reach your fitness goals in the upcoming year.
Top 5 Resolutions
To help you on your journey, we’ve gathered some ideas for your New Year resolutions:
1. Drink more water – We all know that water is life, but remembering to drink enough of it is another story. And who knows how much is enough, anyway? According to a recent study, people should drink about 1.8L per day, but that’s a hard goal to reach! So what can you do to drink more water throughout your day? Carry your own drinking bottle around and fill it up two or three times a day. You can also set an alarm clock at regular intervals to remind you that you need to take a sip.
2. Sleep better – when you have to juggle a job, family commitments, and social obligations, you probably don’t get as much sleep as you need. 32% of all Aussies sleep less than 7 hours a night, which is the general recommendation for adults. According to research, lack of sleep can affect you in many ways: it increases responsiveness to stress and somatic pain, can cause emotional distress and mood disorders, and affects your memory and cognitive performance. It can also affect your health in the long term, so getting enough snooze time is crucial! You can try to go to bed or wake up at the same hour every day. Set a specific time, and don’t make excuses! Stick to a consistent schedule – no matter how tempted you are to stay up late.
3. Move more – According to the World Health Organization (WHO), adults should participate in aerobic activity at least 150 minutes per week. Now, that doesn’t mean you have to join the gym straight away, but you should certainly strive to be more active throughout your day. You can start with small things like taking the stairs when possible, walking to work instead of taking the bus, or going for a short walk around the block every once in a while. You can also take short brakes when you’re working and walk around. Go fill your water bottle, run some errands, and move a bit more in general. You can use a step-counting app or watch to track your progress and set new activity goals!
4. Bring your own lunch to work – When you have a busy day at work, dining out might be the easiest way to go, but it certainly is not the healthiest. When you order food, you will probably eat more junk food than you should, as most Aussies do. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, adults get 36% of their energy from discretionary foods, 11% from added sugar, and 12% form saturated and trans-fats. By bringing your own lunch once a week, you will be able to eat a bit healthier and reduce your intake of unhealthy foods.
5. Exercise for 10 minutes every other day – Apart from recommending that you participate in aerobic exercise, the WHO also states that you should do some muscle-strengthening activities twice a week. But what can you do if you get bored lifting weights or regularly going to the gym? The first step is to find a form of exercise you enjoy. Stretching, yoga, HIIT – anything goes! You can find plenty of YouTube videos that will guide you through a workout, and the best part is that it doesn’t have to last for more than ten minutes at a time. Clear 10-15 minutes of your schedule every other day, either before or after work, and have fun!
Are You Ready to Face a New Challenge?
You don’t have to make drastic changes to your lifestyle to become a bit healthier. Even one simple resolution will bring you closer to your health and fitness goals, so are you ready to choose a goal you want to tackle?
1. Armstrong, L. E., & Johnson, E. C. (2018). Water Intake, Water Balance, and the Elusive Daily Water Requirement. Nutrients, 10(12), 1928. doi:10.3390/nu10121928
2. One in Three Australians Not Getting Enough Sleep. https://au.yougov.com/news/2019/03/21/one-three-australians-not-getting-enough-sleep/
3. Medic, G., Wille, M., & Hemels, M. E. (2017). Short- and long-term health consequences of sleep disruption. Nature and science of sleep, 9, 151–161. doi:10.2147/NSS.S134864
4. Nutrition Across the Life Stages, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2018). https://www.aihw.gov.au/getmedia/fc5ad42e-08f5-4f9a-9ca4-723cacaa510d/aihw-phe-227.pdf.aspx?inline=true