Building your own Lucky 15 can be an exciting experience in itself but you also need to consider which selections to include. There are no restrictions on the array of selections you could have in your Lucky 15 bet and it allows for punters to judge exactly how risky they choose to be.
All betting markets from every available sport need a different type of selection in order to stand a chance of winning. In horse racing alone, more experienced punters will be aware of the contrasting odds seen between typical selections in a NAP Of The Day and an Each Way Double, and the criteria is even more particular when it comes to picking the perfect Lucky 15 bet.
Ideal Lucky 15 selections
There’s no formula for identifying the perfect Lucky 15 bet but you can certainly work out what should be enough to stand a chance of landing your bet. As with most bets you’ll place, the odds need to be balanced even if you’re aiming for selections which suit the Lucky 15 market. Betting on a Lucky 15 bet consists of a far larger market, which is made up of four horses and fifteen different outcomes. With this being the case, those four selections need to be likely to land but also with big enough odds to make it worth backing.
Websites like The Winners Enclosure indicate that the price for each selection must be at evens or over, with the returns being significantly higher depending on how risky you want each selection to be. A lot of punters will tend to limit the sorts of selections that they’re including, as it’s important to always remember how you’ll only receive all potential returns from your Lucky 15 bet if all four of your chosen horses win. If only a couple of the horses you’ve backed win, you’ll be paid out for any of the fifteen bets that they were involved in.
How can I make my Lucky 15 bet more likely to win?
It’s always best to make sure you’re doing any appropriate research before picking horses that you like the look of. With Lucky 15 betting, there’s always likely to be an element of risk through needing higher odds selections. This makes it far harder to hand-pick some horse racing tips that tick all boxes, but it tends to mean that you’ll be going for an over evens favourite, rather than backing a 1/3 favourite like you would with a NAP.
You can also compare your own horse tips with the ones you’ll find on more experienced betting websites, as you’ll be able to see whether they like the look of the same horse you do. This isn’t a guaranteed way of winning bets as any horse can win or lose their next race, but it at least cements your own hopes of landing your Lucky 15 bet.