One of the great things about music instruments is that they do not depreciate. You can easily find tons of great used gear that is waiting to be recycled and reused. Obviously, some instruments are going to be better than others.
Music instrument shopping on the internet is not at all difficult. You can so easily find wonderful resources like the Denver Folklore online music store and buy perfect instruments like guitars, Collings mandolins and others. However, if you want to buy something better, here are some suggestions to remember.
Make Offers
Similarly to buying a vehicle, you can respect the “sticker price” or simply negotiate. Never be afraid to negotiate as you buy a new guitar or any other gear. Research shows users making offers end up saving a lot of cash, around 15% on average.
Seriously Consider Used Gear
Various items, like an effect pedal, will be resold in great working condition at a discount that is much higher than what you find in shops near you. You can basically save around 30% on used gear and get really good quality if you are careful and you do your research.
Get Insurance
You do need to pay extra if you want insurance but you should pay the extra money and you should request signature delivery. This is necessary for any music instrument or accessory you buy. Most shippers will offer automatic coverage but just at specific levels. Check the websites to be sure you are properly covered. You do not want to waste money because of shipping problems.
Always Leave Feedback
If where you buy from you see a feedback system, use it. It does feel risky when buying from private sellers so feedback gives you peace of mind. Ask sellers to send feedback from a reputable website like eBay or ask to be referred to some past buyers.
Ask For Many Photographs
You should always get several photographs. Never settle for a couple that are grainy or absolutely none. The seller should be able to take the music instrument outside and then take photographs in completely natural light, without using flash. If you buy a vintage guitar, make sure it is disassembled so you get to check internal parts, serial numbers, date stamps and all the information that is relevant.
Understand Your Style
Most people want to buy great instruments like a Strat or Les Paul but such guitars do come in various neck shapes, with countless pickup combinations. Every single different part of the instrument is going to change sound and feel. Before you buy, do ask about fret size, neck shape, weight and pickups.
Never Settle For A Simple Description
Always demand details about guitar condition. See if the neck is straight and learn about fret wear. You should know if there are some dead notes or if there is excessive buzzing present. The more you know about the actual state of the instrument, the easier it is to make a good choice! In many cases online descriptions are very short. Use the system in place to get in touch with the seller to ask as many questions as possible.