Nobody is too old for online dating. Finding romance is for everyone, especially when you do it on the web. However, it would be advisable to act your age. There are implied dos and don’ts.
Aside from making sure that you only use the best dating sites, you have to follow online dating etiquette while doing what you need to boost your chances of finding a romantic partner.
Online dating for those in their 20s
Younger romance seekers may not need that much guidance when it comes to dating online, but it wouldn’t hurt knowing a few things to make the experience better. The following tips should help:
● Stay true to yourself. Deceiving others also means deceiving yourself. Don’t add a few inches to your height or slash a few pounds from your weight just to belong to a certain bracket.
● Don’t mislead. Just like in the case of lying, avoid misrepresentation and putting details in your profile to make yourself appear better. However, being a little ambiguous is acceptable. You don’t have to include your address, school, or workplace.
● Mind the spelling, grammar, facts, and tact. Whenever you post something on your dating profile and social media accounts, take the time to review everything. Online daters in their twenties tend to spot errors easily even without being highly educated. Consistently posting erroneous words and statements makes you less attractive. Don’t mind how the younger generation is perceived to be less intelligent. Yes, there are many young half-wits online, but they are not your target date. Why would you lump yourself among them?
Online dating for those in their 30s
People in their thirties are expected to be mature when it comes to romance and established in their jobs or business ventures. This does not mean you have to present yourself as mature and boring, though.
● Highlight the interesting things about you. Showing that you have a stable job or business is good, but don’t forget to present yourself as someone exciting. Point out your interests that might appeal to potential dates.
● Be clear about what you want in a potential partner. Don’t say you just want someone who will love you or make you feel special. Set clear parameters. You don’t have to be too straightforward about it. You can state your interests or aspirations, for example, and say you want someone who shares the same inclinations.
● Be positive. Keep politics out of it, unless you really want to avoid people with a specific kind of political leaning. Let go of the past. Avoid being bitter or jaded. Keep your focus on being open to opportunities for meeting new people.
Online dating for the “golden aged”
Hitting 50 doesn’t mean being too old for dating. Just make sure you don’t unwittingly present yourself as a lonely old person who just wants some sexual fun. Most will immediately avoid you if you do that, even if it’s common knowledge that most people find dates online with promiscuity in mind. Look forward to the positive experiences. Be upfront but don’t be aggressive. If you feel unwelcome, look for other opportunities for love elsewhere (in other sites or by communicating with other users of a dating site).
Regardless of age, you can make online dating a fruitful experience. Don’t be hasty about it. Do what is suitable for your age and focus on the feelings formed as you meet people, not on your preconceived ideas.