Keira Knightley in “Shadow Recruit”
At only 19 years old and already accredited as the next Elizabeth Taylor, Keira Knightley is a sexy bombshell who has just exploded on to the Hollywood scene. While the women of the 1960’s fainted at the sight of their favorite U.K. rockers, The Beatles, Keira is a British import worth going crazy over. How could you not be mesmerized by her hard body, sexy accent and natural beauty? Born in London, England, Keira reportedly convinced her parents to hire a manager at age six, though her show business-parents were reluctant to have acting interfere with her education. After appearing in a number of BBC-aired TV movies, Keira was picked for the role of the decoy Queen Amidala in “Star Wars: The Phantom Menace” due to her uncanny likeness to star Natalie Portman. While the role was kept on the hush-hush for hardcore “Star Wars” fans, even the mothers of both actresses claim they couldn’t tell the difference with make-up on.
Finally making an appearance in U.S. film with “Star Wars,” Keira moved on to star as Robin Hood’s daughter in the Disney film, “The Princess of Thieves” and as a nosey teenager in “The Hole.” Despite her lack of soccer experience, Keira was picked to co-star in the British-Indian soccer romp, “Bend it Like Beckham,” a one-way ticket that launched her into Hollywood stardom. Training for the film proved to be long and arduous, and even though Keira sustained a concussion during one of the sessions, she was adamant about performing the soccer action herself. Jerry Bruckheimer fell in love with the young actress and has continued to work with her for the past three years on a number of different projects (including “Pirates of the Caribbean”). While she plays a mythological princess of England in her upcoming film, “King Arthur,” Keira is definitely queen of Young Hollywood. We don’t think she’ll be giving up that title any time soon, but then again, we won’t stop worshipping her either.
Keira movie clip
Keira look amazing in this scene from “Domino” as she she shows off her body and dance skills in a lap dance scene.
Keira on the Screen
Keira has quickly become one of the most exciting one actresses in the business, but before seeing her name at the top of the marquee, Keira’s first real gig was an uncredited, but important, role in the first film of the new “Star Wars” trilogy, “Episode I: The Phantom Menace.” After also appearing in the little seen “The Hole,” Keira broke out in the festival favorite British film, “Bend It Like Beckham.” Since then, Keira has become one of the few young actresses able to make it big, with roles in “King Arthur,” the “Pirates of the Caribbean” trilogy, “Domino,” “The Duchess,” “Never Let Me Go,” “A Dangerous Method,” and a trio of films with director Joe Wright: “Pride & Prejudice,” “Atonement” and “Anna Karenina.”
Keira Says
On becoming a star so young:
“I did a film called “The Hole” when I was 16 and, when it came out, a couple of the popular girls at school said, quite loudly, ‘She’s in a crap movie, so it doesn’t count.’ It was rude and I was upset, but if you let that stuff bother you, you’re going to be in for a tough time. I wasn’t popular at school. I learned to let those comments wash over me. I toughened up quite quickly.”
On wearing a corset in “Pirates”:
“I had a Scarlet O’Hara thing, she gets her waist down to 18 and a half inches – so I thought I would try that. For five minutes, it’s fantastic – you have this tiny waist and fantastic cleavage, but oxygen deprivation is a big problem.”
On searching herself on the Internet:
“Apparently on the Internet I’m a sexy beanpole, tomboy beanpole.”